
Getting all updates


.net unfortunately does not provide an implementation for the IObservable interface, so we recommend you to install the Nuget package System.Reactive. This will allow you to subscribe to any IObservable interface provided by our library as follows.

.Subscribe(next => { }, exception => { })

As of .netstandard 2.1 you can also build a loop like this:

await foreach (var message in Bot.Updates.MessageEnumerable())

Types of updates

.netstandard 2.0 .netstandard 2.1
Update Update/ UpdateEnumerable()
Message Message/ MessageEnumerable()
EditedMessage EditedMessage/ EditedMessageEnumerable()
InlineQuery InlineQuery/ InlineQueryEnumerable()
ChosenInlineResult ChosenInlineResult/ ChosenInlineResultEnumerable()
CallbackQuery CallbackQuery/ CallbackQueryEnumerable()
ChannelPost ChannelPost/ ChannelPostEnumerable()
EditedChannelPost EditedChannelPost/ EditedChannelPostEnumerable()
ShippingQuery ShippingQuery/ ShippingQueryEnumerable()
PreCheckoutQuery PreCheckoutQuery/ PreCheckoutQueryEnumerable()
Poll Poll/ PollEnumerable()
PollAnswer PollAnswer/ PollAnswerEnumerable()